power at the podium
Power at the Podium is the ultimate 2-day experience for Black women in business who offer a product or service they want to sell INSTANTLY after they speak!
At the end of the experience, you will know how to communicate to convert so your audience will be persuaded to pay you or enroll in any of your programs after just one powerful presentation.

Power at the Podium hosted by Quinn Conyers
Speakers and Entrepreneurs will master my POWER method so they are clear, concise, and compelling ANY stage by focusing on the following:
P: Becoming PREPARED to Profit from Presenting
In this session, you will learn how to prepare and position yourself to be a profitable presenter. You will discover what kind of presenter you really are as well as discover your speaking style! (This learning lesson will be delivered Virtually). ($997 Value)
O: Outline your Offer
In this session will develop your power presentation (also known as your signature talk) and create your offer in a way that has potential customers and clients begging to do business INSTANTLY after you speak. This is where you will take individuals from interested to invest in enrolling in your coaching program or buying your product/service. (This learning lesson will be delivered Virtually and recapped LIVE). ($1297 Value)
W: Here is where you will WOW them with words using your unique story and point of view
You will learn how to tell your story using the 5 senses so your audience can hear, feel, touch, and taste every word that comes out of your mouth! (This learning lesson will be delivered LIVE). ($997 Value)
E: Execute the Power Presentation that makes you UNFORGETTABLE
Here is where you will learn how to DELIVER your power presentation by using tips, tools, and techniques that will allow you to engage, include and interact with your audience so they are fully present when you open your mouth until you leave them with a call to action. After this session, you will be able to amaze your audience as a confident and compelling presenter. (This learning lesson will be delivered LIVE). ($1497 Value)
R: Rehearse for feedback and insight that will transform you from a public speaker into a power presenter
In this final session, you have the chance to deliver parts of your power presentation for instant feedback to polish your presentation skills and sharpen your speaking skills to Command the Crowd virtually or in person. (This learning lesson will be delivered LIVE). ($997 Value)
Total Value: $5,785
Your Investment: 1 payment of $1497 or 4 bi-weekly payments of $375
Here's what other entrepreneurs are saying after attending Power at the Podium!

"I recently booked my 1st Keynote Speaking Assignment. It was not a full paid gig, however I was able to receive 1/3 more of what I usually charge plus I was able to sell my products and services. I am thankful because it was WAY more than I was charging prior to Power at the Podium.
Power at the Podium has allowed me to become more confident in what I have to offer and see my value as a speaker. I now speak for FEE not FREE!"
"Wahooo.... Quinn yes indeed you have the gift to teach, empower and inspire others! I am on fire after this weekends Power at the Podium event you hosted. I haven't been able to sleep thinking about putting together my speaking event. If you want to learn how to create your own speaking opportunities get with Quinn. She's passionate about your success."
NATASCHA H. , Hardee Life
Are you READY to convert crowds with confidence?
3 Live connection sessions for Power at the Podium Attendees ($1497 Value)
Lifetime access to the Power at the Podium FB Tribe (Priceless)
"Shaping your Irresistible Offer" by Tiffany Bethea ($497 value)
How to CREATE BONUSES to make people BUY instantly ($197 Value)
Featured in the Speak Black Woman Showcase on Wednesday, January 5, 2021 ($997 Value)
Still on the fence?
Listen to these attendee success stories after they attended Power at the Podium.